One of the requirements of filing personal bankruptcy in New Jersey is to complete two counseling or education courses. These can be taken on-line or over the phone and take about twenty or thirty minutes to complete. Below is a link to a list of approved credit counseling agencies for New Jersey Bankruptcy.
Click here for the List of Approved Credit Counseling Agencies For New Jersey Bankruptcy.
Why Do You Have To Take Credit Counseling Course For New Jersey Bankruptcy?
This requirement to file Bankruptcy in New Jersey came into effect as the result of a change in the US Bankruptcy Code in 2005. Formally albeit somewhat misleadingly titled the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, the law essentially made it more difficult for individuals to file bankruptcy.
When Do I Take the Credit Counseling Course For New Jersey Bankruptcy?
Two courses are required: one prior to filing and one prior to discharge. Your New Jersey Bankruptcy Lawyer will advise you when to take the two courses and provide you with a provider from which to take the course. The link above takes you to a list of Court-approved providers.
How Do I Take the Credit Counseling Course For New Jersey Bankruptcy?
Many of the providers make it easy to take the course on-line or by phone in the comfort of your own home. If you don’t have your own computer at home, you can take it at work or at the library.
Be Wary of Misleading Mail Solicitations.
Providing these courses is big business for some providers as they seek not just to sell you their course but also many other products such as high-risk car loans, high-fee credit cards, and so-called credit repair services. Your mail box will fill up quickly immediately after you file with mis-leading letters and offers to these and other services. You just took a very important step to clear your credit of nagging debts, be extremely careful before you get yourself into new debts. Most of these offers are risky at best.